溢珈光影(Autoplus Digitech)是一家投影科技顧問公司,專門提供投影機、投影幕的代理與銷售、投影工程服務、投影方案研發。我們代理多家國際知名品牌的投影機、投影幕等產品,並於旺角設有經設計師精心打造的實體專門店,讓客戶在我們的專業顧問協助下,親身體驗不同投影產品和各種投影方案的特點,從而揀選出最合適的產品和方案。
Autoplus Digitech, as an expert in projector products and solutions, we provides projector products and solutions with customized installation services. Autoplus distributes several well-known brands of projectors and screens. Customers are welcome to visit our showroom in Mong Kok in order to select the best equipments to suit their environment.
- Optoma Home Series 及 System Installation 專業總代理 Authorized Sole Distribution
- Graywolf 香港澳門總代理 Sole Distributor
- Changhong 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor
- CHIQ 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor
- VividStorm 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor
- Everycom 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor
- Alincoo 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor
- Viewsonic 特許零售商 Authorized Reseller
- AWOL Vision 香港專屬代理 Authorized Distributor